Friday, October 19, 2012

Mind Blowing Tips For Cooking Meat and Fish Product Urgently

Did you know that it is dangerous and unhealthy to eat meat or fish that has been frozen, cooked, refrozen, then cooked again? Kathryn Boor, a professor of microbiologist and chairwoman of the food science department at Cornell University say that "there is nothing bad or dangerous about that process as described..." but you can not answer the question unless you know the whole history of how the food was handed at every important point.
Staphylococcus aureus contaminates fish or meat, and the warm dish left on the back of stove overnight, and you wouldn't see or smell anything, but you could have a problem of not cooking out of it. On the other hand, if the food is handled without any contamination or temperature abuse, recooking the food and eating it is not dangerous at all. Sometimes when a question like this arises, it is because someone already knows that they have done what they are not suppose to which might have resulted in contamination or bacterial growth.
There is an ideal conditions for contamination or bacterial growth in warmth, moisture, organic material and time limit. When you unfreeze meat quickly, cook it quickly, then freeze it again quickly, there is no problem at all, though, it might get mushy in texture, but it is not dangerous.
Fish is more likely than beef to have textural problems and this is because it is more fragile. The best rule in life is that when in doubt, please throw it out, and usually when people call with lot of questions like this, they are already in doubt.
Cooking Meat and Fish Product Urgently
Cooking Meat and Fish Product Urgently
Cooking Meat and Fish Product Urgently
Cooking Meat and Fish Product Urgently
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